2023 (Apr-June), online course
Introduction to Ayurveda I
Led by María de Ezcurra
2021 (Sept - Oct), online course
Mundo Performance / Roma Vaquero Diaz
Diarios del Cuerpo
2021 (Feb - March), online course
Node Center
Art Mediation: Creative Approaches
2019 (November), Groningen - NL
Minerva Academy, Hanzehogeschool
PAS | studies #67 "course of action" led by BBB Johannes Deimling
2015 - 2019, Groningen - NL
Minerva Academy, Hanzehogeschool
Bachelor in Autonomous Fine Arts
2015 (Apr - May), London - UK
University of the Arts London (UAL)
Certificate in Independent Curatorship
2011 - 2012, Buenos Aires - ARG
Escuela Sup. de Creativos Publicitarios (ESCP)
Certificate in Artistic Direction
2011 (Mar - Nov), Buenos Aires - ARG
Espacio Buenos Aires (EBA)
Certificate in Fashion Production and Styling
2002 - 2010, Buenos Aires - ARG
Solar Del Pilar College
Bachelor of Humanities
2008 - 2010, Buenos Aires - ARG
Teatro municipal Pilar
Theatre workshop
2008 (January), Buenos Aires - ARG
Nuevo Fotoclub Argentino
Summer course in Analogue Photography
2002, Buenos Aires - Argentina
El Mate taller de cine
Introduction to cinema course
Residencies and Grants
2023 (April), Fellingsbro - SWE
Residency at Zengardens
2022 (September/October), Utrecht - NL
Residency with Eleni Tsompanidou at Creative Playground
2022 (August - August 2023)
Grant Kunstenaar Start by Mondriaan Fonds
2022 (July), Dikea - GR
Residency ‘Co*transpose’
2022 (July), Groningen - NL
Grant Lucht 2.0 by Kunstpunt Groningen
2022 (June), Brabant - NL
Flash Visit at De Nieuwkomers
2022 (January), Bierum - NL
Residency as Collective Constructs in The Bierumer School
2021 (October), Groningen - NL
Grant to realize ‘Rice Actions’ given by Kunstraad Groningen
2019 (March), Beetsterzwaag - NL
Residency as Collective Constructs at Kunsthuis SYB
2018 (September), New York - USA
Grant to research art institutions in New York given by De Groot Brugmansfund
2017 (Septiembre), Buenos Aires - ARG
Residency 'El Grito' by La Flecha / Margarita Garcia Faure
2017 (July), Groningen - NL
Residency at P.A.I.R. (Portable Artist In Residency)
2016 (June), Kampala - UG
Grant from Minerva Academy to travel to Kampala to collaborate with students
of the UCU as part of the course Parallel Portraits
2023 (April-Present), Groningen, NL + Online
Initiated Collective Edible Actions Together (E.A.T.)
2023 (March-Present), Groningen, NL
Co-organizer DIHAN Reads, performative reading group
2023 (December-Present, Groningen. NL
Board Member WILLOW Online Art Space
2021 (March), Online
Organized ‘OpenUp!’ talk with Tehching Hsieh
2021 (January-October), Online
Co-organizer and member of ‘Lack of Feedback’ (LOF)
2020 (May - November 2022), Leeuwarden - NL
Program committee member at Stichting VHDG, Leeuwarden
2020 (April - June), Online
Moderating artist talks during Homescreen, online exhibition on Instagram (@homescreen._)
2019 (June - Jan 2021), Groningen - NL
Chairman of HUL, art foundation supporting emerging artists in the city of Groningen,
providing a shared studio and exhibition space
2019 (January - July 2023), Groningen - NL
Artistic Director at Stichting ARTisBOOK
2019 (January - June 2022), Groningen - NL
Co-organizer of ‘Does it have a name’, monthly performance evenings at Berger en de Vries, together with Marinus Agustijn and Michel de Vries
2019 (January - November), Groningen - NL
Member of the editorial board in The Catalyst Club, a self-organized group of students, alumni, and tutors from a range of disciplines building together an extracurricular program
2018 (May-Present), Groningen - NL
Member of Groningen Vocal Exploration Choir
2018 (December - Present), Groningen - NL
Member of Collective Constructs, an art collective that focuses on collaborative and socially engaged projects
2018 (May - Present), Groningen - NL
Member of Play Mobility, an art collective that explores and researches the limits of performance art and performing spaces
2017 (April - Present), Groningen - NL
Member of KLAP, a student-initiated platform that organizes lectures, exhibitions,
events & collaborative projects worldwide
«A Time Yet To Come» with Louwrien Wijers, Ben d’Armagnac, Lily Dollner, Lieve Van Meegen & Egon Hanfsting at Museum EICAS, Deventer, NL (group) (Jan-April 2025)
«Eat your Books» with E.A.T. Collective & Ellen Mandemaker at ARTisBOOK Foundation, Groningen, NL (event, duo) (January 2025)
Working period at Block C, Groningen, NL (December 2024)
Residency at Wongema + work presentation during Aardappelfeest, Hornhuizen, NL (October 2024)
'Dora, ik wil iets met je delen' installation during KunstFietsRoute 'Kunst van Hier tot Ginder', Salland, NL
'el sabor de la memoria' performance with Maria Elena Cantoni during DIHAN 'Baby', Groningen, NL
Speculating through Speculaas, collaboration with Lara Benevides and E.A.T. Collective (6-week project) with a final presentation at Stichting WEP, Groningen, NL
Residency at Extrapool + Public presentation with E.A.T. Collective, Nijmegen, NL
E.A.T. Collective at Prospects during Art Rotterdam 2024, Rotterdam, NL
‘the last meal (of the year)’, joint presentation with Marnix Sixma and Tanja Isbarn at BIOTOOP, Haren, NL
'Reflections' card set part of bring your own book fair (BYOB) at ENTER ENTER, Amsterdam, NL
'A sensory walk' (GROUP) during Hamish Fulton's finissage at ARTisBOOK Foundation, Groningen, NL
SEEN #9 in collaboration with Tanja Isbarn (DUO) at WEP, Groningen, NL
‘A recollection of my present struggles’ part of Everybody S_truggles (GROUP) organized by S_truggling Art Space at Supermarket Independent Art Fair, Stockholm, SE
‘Chimichurri’ part of Tiny Flash vending machine project (GROUP) by Chiara Tammaro, Groningen, NL
‘Untitled’ edible action (GROUP) at DIHAN, Groningen, NL
'Recetario de memorias' artist book (GROUP) during BOOKSHELF #2, ARTisBOOK Foundation, Groningen, NL
‘poetic soup’ part of the COllective dinner (ACTION) organized by Co*transpose at ARTisBOOK, Groningen, NL
‘red dinner’ part of 100 dinners (ACTION) at Current a Space, Amsterdam, NL
‘we exist in relation to one another’ performance with Hinke-Ann Eleveld and Evita (GROUP) during DIHAN n3, Groningen, NL
‘reflection(s)’ (GROUP) contribution for dinner during Co*transpose event at Communitism in Athens, GR
‘Traces’ zine (GROUP), as Collective Constructs exhibited during Drawing Zines at Drawing Centre Diepenheim, Diepenheim, NL
‘The communal cabinet’ (ONGOING), installed in public space at The Creative Playground, Utrecht, NL
‘Rice actions #2’(GROUP), DIHAN n1, Groningen, NL
‘Two Caryatids’ (GROUP), during 100 x KUNST IN DE AKERK organized by Kunstpunt at Akerk, Groningen, NL
‘Untitled’ performance (ACTION) during photography exhibition organized by Co*transpose, Dikea, GR
‘Stitch and chat’ (ACTION) as Collective Constructs at Supermarket Independent Art Fair, Stockholm, SE
‘Collective embroidery’ (GROUP) as Collective Constructs at Galerie Noord, Groningen, NL
VVV (GROUP), The Bierumer School, Bierum, NL
‘Salad lunch’ (ACTION) as Collective Constructs at The Bierumer School, Bierum, NL
‘Thoughts upon…’ (ACTION) during Finissage of Allie van Altena at Galerie Noord, Groningen, NL
‘Rice actions #1’ (SOLO), at Fleisch, Madrid, ES
‘About Woandering’ performance during Collective Wandering (GROUP), The Bierumer School, Bierum, NL
‘synchronicity’ performed with Play Mobility, Athens, GR
‘flora incorporata’ performance during ‘be here’ (GROUP), ARTisBOOK Foundation and Block C, Groningen, NL
‘My breakfast routine’ contribution (GROUP) to Homezine zine N1
Performative live reading (SOLO), ARTisBOOK Foundation, Online
‘A play for public’ performed at short film by VidAmir, various locations, NL
‘Untitled’ performance during RE:Sponse (GROUP), RE:Search:Gallery, Groningen, NL
‘Art as a Tool’ as Collective Constructs during FORMED / UNFORMED (GROUP), Former Sugar Factory, Groningen, NL
‘How do you care for the world you live in?’ during Window Exhibition at The World We Live In (GROUP), Groningen, NL
'orchestra with my body' performance during Performance Weekend (GROUP), ETAT, Groningen, NL
'The space' as Collective Constructs during GREEN LIGHTs (GROUP), Henri Dunantlaan 2, Groningen, NL
‘Todos tenemos algo que enterrar #3’ collective performance (SOLO), Pilar, Buenos Aires, ARG
'We all have something to burry #2' collective performance (SOLO), PAIR, Groningen, NL
‘Melting’ performance presented during The Supreme Exodus LAB (GROUP), Praediniussingel 59, Groningen, NL
‘book of ferns’ performance during herman de vries: oplage 0, Block C, Groningen, NL
'reflection series' presented during Envelope Exhibition (GROUP), ETAT, Groningen, NL
‘Moby Dick’ performed with Play Mobility (GROUP), Universiteitsbibliotheek (UB), Groningen, NL
'cleaning/cleansing' presented during UnderGrand#5: Minerva takeover, (GROUP) Grand Theatre, Groningen, NL
Play Mobility (GROUP), Groningen Forum Library, Groningen, NL
‘Open Room’ presented during Exchanging Dialogues (GROUP), Hanoi Fine Arts Academy, Hanoi, VN
‘Tangerines’ presented during ‘Shift / Swift’(GROUP), Praediniussingel 59, Groningen, NL
'We all have something to burry #1' collective performance (SOLO), PAIR, Groningen, NL
'Social Experiment' (SOLO), Pilar, Buenos Aires, ARG
'Make your own pot and take a plant home' (SOLO), Minerva Academy, Groningen, NL
'Social Experiment video' presented during The world we live in (GROUP), Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen NL
'Organic II (GROUP), Rembrandt van Rijnstraat 224, Groningen, NL
'Love stories' presented during Living Room Exhibition #2 (GROUP), Groningen, NL
'Love stories' presented during TENT (GROUP), Machinefabriek RAW, Groningen, NL
'Social Experiment' (SOLO), 32 Degrees, Kampala, UG
'Drawing experience' at Festival Terug Naar Het Begin (GROUP), Appingedam, NL
'mis viejas' presented during We, people in transition (GROUP), Praediniussingel 59, Groningen, NL
Selection of drawings (GROUP), EMG Faktors, Groningen, NL
Art group exhibition (GROUP), Harlow Library, Hertfordshire, UK
2023 (April), Online
Artist in their studio, published by Kunstpunt Groningen
2022 (December), Printed and Online
SERIES OF ESSAYS: Een Selfie in de Blockbuster by Michiel Teeuw published in Dagblad van het Noorden
2021 (October), Printed
Artist in space publication by Noordenaars
2021 (September), printed
Collective Wandering by Vrijplaats Voor Verbeelding at Hidden Times
2021 (February), Online
‘Artist in the periphery’ at Jegens en Tevens
2021 (April), Online and printed
‘Cultuur in tijden van corona’ (as Collective Constructs) by Boekman stichting & Casco Art Institute
2020 (September), Online
‘Tomorrow’s Language’ at Filter Groningen
2019 (June), Printed
Article about Collective Constructs at Metropolis M
2019 (June), Online
‘De afstudeerders van 2019 #2 | MINERVA’ at Kunstpunt
2024 (Sep - Jan 2025), Groningen - NL
Teaching OffCourse 'Illustration 57 and how to organize and exhibition' at Minerva Art Academy
2023 (July - Present), Groningen - NL
Coordinator PRO-WEEK at Kunstpunt Groningen
2022 (July - Present), Burgum - NL
Guest facilitator during food workshops for children at AZC Burgum
2022 (November), Groningen - NL
Guiding project week ‘Food for Thought’ for students year 1 of Fine Arts at Minerva Art Academy
2021 (Feb-Dec), Online
Project coordinator of COLLECTIVE, program organized by Kunsthuis SYB and Kunstinitiatief VHDG
2021 (March-July), Groningen - NL
Co-facilitator of ‘voor jullie voeten’ kids workshops during ‘be here’, organized by ARTisBOOK Foundation and Block C
2021 (Feb-June), Groningen - NL
Teaching Off-course ‘Mail Art: off-line interactions through post’ at Minerva Art Academy
2020 (Sept-Present), Groningen - NL
Facilitating the course ‘Professional Practices’ for Fine Art students year 1 & 4 at Minerva Art Academy
2020 (June), Online
Feedback sessions on ‘how to present your work online’ for students of GIST minor at NHL Stenden, Leeuwarden
2020 (Jan-Nov), Online
Project coordinator of VHDG Masterclasses, program organized by Kunstinitiatief VHDG
2019 (Sept-Feb 2021), Groningen - NL
Teaching Off-course ‘DO IT!’ at Minerva Art Academy
2019 (Feb-June), Groningen - NL
Teaching Off-course ‘Performance art in the city of Groningen’ at Minerva Art Academy